Photo: Kendra Daly

Promotion Board

Our mission is to serve Iowa Sheep Industry Association members through an educational newsletter; as a central contact point for industry information; and to inform members of opportunities for improved profit and stewardship.

The Iowa Sheep & Wool Promotion Board was established by the Iowa Legislature in the mid 1980's. The Board is composed of one producer representing each of Iowa's nine crop reporting districts. Members serve three year terms for a maximum of six years. Anyone interested in serving should contact the Bookkeeper for details. See contact information below. Check Off dollars collected total approximately $50,000 annually. These funds are spent primarily on producer communication and education. Regional field days and area producer meetings are examples of some of the educational programs. Product promotion and educating the public on the value of the sheep industry are other program areas receiving a large portion of funding. Major research funding has been limited due to lower annual revenues. Funding proposals may be submitted at any time prior to the event to be funded but proposals need to be received by the 15th of the month preceding the month of the quarterly ISWPB meeting to be considered at that meeting. Late proposals will be considered at the next quarterly meeting. ISWPB meets in January, April, July and October.

A set of guidelines for funding opportunities may be acquired by calling Michelle Moon, phone (515) 988-2352 and email

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